A recent article from Neowin shares exciting developments for members of the Windows Server Insider Program, focusing on the release of the latest Windows Server build, numbered 26280. This build comes with an important update: it sets a new expiration date for the software to September 15...
So, I'm curious. After installing W10 Tech Pre... After the expiration date (April 15) will it still be able to run, and will W10 be made free to Tech Preview OS users?
So Win7 is now on MSDN Academic Alliance, which means, as a Comp-Sci student, I get it for free, hooray huzzah etc. What I'm wondering, is should I really bother installing the final version instead of the Release Candidate I've been running? OK, I know I'll have to eventually, since the RC has...
A simple question for all the people obsessed with getting the latest build. Does it have the same expiration date as the RC 7100 Build? I downloaded from torrents yesterday and installed on VMware workstation and don't see anything amazing about it.
I downloaded the win7 beta from the microsoft site and burned the ISO file to a DVD disc using ImgBurn. My next plan is to do the install (which I haven't done yet). I have XP on 1 physical disk drive C:
What I want to do is install the win7 beta on another disk drive. Larry at the computer...
beta version
boot manager
burning software
clean install
computer shop
disk drive
dual boot
operating system
western digital
windows 7
windows xp