
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trade war escalates as Canada hits U.S. goods with billions in tariffs" on YouTube

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  2. reghakr

    Everything You Never Wanted To Know About DLLs

    This is an excellent guide to the various sections of a DLL file including imports and exports. It's a little technical. Read Full Story: More information about DLL's than you ever wanted or Wow, this guy almost wrote a book about DLL's - Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
  3. whoosh

    Japan sets new radiation safety level for seafood | EPA trying to do the same

    TOKYO (AP) — The government set its first radiation safety standards for fish Tuesday after Japan's tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant reported radioactive contamination in nearby seawater measuring at several million times the legal limit. The plant operator insisted that the radiation will rapidly...