file playback

  1. chavz

    Windows 7 USB HDD not accessible

    GOOD DAY FORUM. I have a problem i need help asap My Boss usb external hard drive is not functioning properly. when insert it to my laptop its to long to read the drive and after reading the drive when i a play like 1 movie file is not playing and it cause of hanging or logging my laptop or...
  2. WarioWill

    Windows 10 midi's don't play

    I have windows 10, and for some reason I can't play midis. Everytime I want to play a midi, it says "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program...
  3. G

    Windows 7 Windows media embeded in file´s properties pane

    Hello, First of all, hello all. I'm new to this forum. I really hope you can help me with this annoying problem. Whenerver I do RIGHTBUTTON > PROPERTIES on an mp3 file it automatically starts playing that file from an instance of windows media player that is embeded in the very properties pane...