
  1. VIDEO Trump Wants to Worsen Student Loan Debt Crisis and Screw Over Borrowers More

  2. VIDEO Businesses Admit That Most Of Their Tax Cut Money WILL NOT Be Going To Workers

  3. VIDEO Democrats Are FINALLY Saying No To Corporate Campaign Cash

  4. VIDEO Budget director says Trump's military parade may cost between $10-$30 million

  5. VIDEO Adolf Hitler - Ripple XRP vs crypto parody

  6. VIDEO How Trump's Tax Plan is Screwing Over Most American Workers

  7. VIDEO Trump's Deficit-Bursting Budget Revealed

  8. VIDEO White House unveils $4 trillion budget proposal

  9. VIDEO Koch Bros Will Reap Hundreds of Millions From Tax Cuts

  10. VIDEO Turning $300,000 into 5 Cents

  11. VIDEO Trump Govt Will Borrow $1 Trillion, 84% Increase from 2017

  12. VIDEO Confused Trump Tells The Stock Market That Going Down Was A “Big Mistake”

  13. VIDEO Trump Isn't Bragging About The Stock Market Anymore

  14. VIDEO Watch Trump boast about the stock market

  15. VIDEO Trump Ran The Government Like His Businesses – Now We’re About To Go Bankrupt

  16. VIDEO Stockman: ‘Trump Is Walking into a Miserable Trap’ in Taking Ownership of Market Bubble

  17. VIDEO Company Sheds 1000 Jobs After Tax Cuts

  18. VIDEO Tax Cuts Already Raising Wages?

  19. VIDEO White House Finally Admits Donald Trump Will Benefit From Tax Bill | The Last Word | MSNBC

  20. VIDEO White House: Tax bill will cost Trump money
