financial loss

  1. VIDEO SIM Swapping’ Victim Sees Over $200K Stolen From Bank Account

  2. VIDEO TV Licence Scam Cost Man £20,000

  3. TA14-295A: Crypto Ransomware

    Original release date: October 22, 2014 Systems Affected Microsoft Windows Overview Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that infects a computer and restricts access to it until a ransom is paid to unlock it. This Alert is the result of Canadian Cyber Incident Response...
  4. Windows 7 Trojan Threat Alert for Windows® 7 and FIFA World Cupâ„¢

    Trojan Threat Alert for Windows® 7 and FIFA World Cup™ PC Tools has identified that cybercriminals are continuing to target major news stories and global events such as the recent release of Windows 7 and the FIFA World Cup. Thousands of Windows 7 builds downloaded on Torrent and P2P...