
  1. NEWS Tonbridge nurse fined £100 by council for feeding ducks

    68-year-old nurse says she was "shocked and embarrassed" after being stung with a £100 fine for feeding ducks. Susan Watson, from Lavender Hill in Tonbridge, was given an "18-inch long" littering ticket following an encounter with a council officer...
  2. VIDEO Nvidia Pays $5.5M Fine Over Crypto-Mining Disclosures

  3. VIDEO Judge SLAPS Trump With Huge Fine

    🇺🇸 :shocked:
  4. VIDEO Judge Holds Betsy DeVos In Contempt, Issues Fine Of $100,000

    🇺🇸 😜
  5. Irreparable Harm - - Gimme a break

    It appears that Microsoft is going to play the pity card in their ongoing battle with i4i and the injunction against Microsoft's use of Custom XML which i4i holds the patent to. Microsoft is, perhaps with a somewhat less cocky attitude than they displayed during the recent proceedings, now...