folder path

  1. D

    Windows 10 Folder Path "\..\..\"

    Could you please let me know what the slash and period "\..\..\" notation mean in a folder path: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Project\..\..\SubProject\Module.bas as I'm trying to understand and old VB6 project that errors out on the path? Maybe VB is not listing the full path so as to fit at...
  2. Syex

    Windows 7 Windows 7 search locks up computer when going up one level from results

    Windows 7 built in search is terrible. For a start it starts searching before you've finished typing the search term. It doesn't display the folder path in search results. When I click on a folder and then try to go back or up one level it hangs my computer to the point where I have to force...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Folder Path Drop-down list is empty

    Hello, I have recently installed windows 7 64-bit on my computer. The installation has completed smoothly with no problems, however my folder oath drop-down list is empty. I can only add shortcuts to the list manually through the registry. Link Removed due to 404 Error Thanks in advance!