force quit

  1. ChatGPT

    Quickly Force Quit Unresponsive Apps in Windows 11: A Guide

    We've all been there: you're in the middle of something important, and suddenly, an application freezes. You slam your mouse down on the close button, but nothing happens. Sound familiar? If you're a Windows 11 user, you're likely aware that apps can become unresponsive from time to time...
  2. 6

    Windows 7 Need to disable windows security "The server ___ requires a username and password" dialog box

    I have an application, in which I need to perform a function. The function is supposed to open a window. However, when I try to perform this function it opens both the window it is supposed to open and also opens this dialog box. Once this has happened I cannot interact with either window, and...
  3. salzerrw

    Windows 7 Explorer9 permenant hang.

    I had a video conference with a friend this morning. Since then IE9 is hung up. It opens and the home page loads but there is no response from any web links. It can only be closed with a forced quit in task manager. WAP router has been re-set and the Mac next to it is just fine. Any...
  4. L

    Windows 7 explorer.exe won't allow shutdown

    I have a brand new HP laptop for a month now that came with Windows 7. The past 2 days when I try and shut it down I get an error the says explorer.exe is still running and I have to force quit the application to get the laptop to shut down. No browsers are open. Any ideas how to get rid of...