
  1. IDC Sees Android & Windows 7 Taking Smartphone Market Share

    IDC recently came out with a smartphone market forecast report, in which it indicated that Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL ) share in the global smartphone market could decline from 18.2% in 2011 to 16.9% Link Removed - Invalid URL
  2. VIDEO URGENT: Japan now admits Fukushima at 154 trillion Bq's/Day and West coast Radiation forecast

  3. Gartner excludes Windows 7 from tablet forecast

    Apple's market share still to slide. More...
  4. Potential April 6th Fukushima Fallout Forecast Shows U.S. West Coast Under Threat

    This is a POTENTIAL radiation release produced by officials within the Department of Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS) at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU). No one knows 100% what the levels of radiation will actually be and unfortunately, due to outright censorship here in...
  5. Where Will the Jobs Be In 2011?

    Looking ahead to 2011, you may be wondering: Does the job market have brighter days in its forecast? While not all the news is good news (the unemployment rate is expected to remain high), there are employment experts who believe things are looking up in certain industries. Usually...
  6. Windows 7 More RAM for less power is forecast in 2010

    More RAM for less power is forecast in 2010 Analysis DDR3 hits 1.2V at 1333 and 1.35V at 1600 By Link Removed - Invalid URL Monday, 30 November 2009, 15:23 WHEN LOOKING AT PC system power consumption, the usual focus is on the CPU and GPU, followed by the chipset, disk drives and such...
  7. Still pre orders in the US

    Anyone know for sure of anywhere in the US still offering to pre order their is so much debris on google you can't wade through it all, it's like the canned food and bottled water section a day before a hurricane forecast..