foreign policy

  1. VIDEO Trump says U.S. will pull out of arms deal with Russia

  2. VIDEO Watch "BREAKING: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Was Foreign Agent for ..." on YouTube

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  3. VIDEO Watch "Trump Suggests Asking Obama About Foreign Policy" on YouTube

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  4. VIDEO President Donald Trump Administration Makes Toughest Move Yet Against Russia | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

  5. VIDEO Trump Begged Vietnam To Buy US Military Equipment To Help Boost His Approval Rating

  6. VIDEO Trump's New Position on Russia: "Collusion is Normal"

  7. NEWS Trump goes soft on Saudi

    He used to trash the kingdom, but now the president is making it his first foreign stop. President Donald Trump has said that Saudi Arabia “blew up the World Trade Center” and wants “women as slaves and to kill gays.” He has also insisted that the oil-rich Arab kingdom provide the United States...
  8. VIDEO Mitch McConnell Says Trump Can Bomb Whoever He Wants Without Congressional Approval

  9. VIDEO Trump Puts Boots On The Ground In Syria... Right Next To Russian Troops

  10. Tough line: US suspends military aid to Pakistan

    WASHINGTON – The Obama administration's decision to suspend $800 million in aid to the Pakistan's military signals a tougher U.S. line with a critical but sometimes unreliable partner in the fight against terrorism Read Full Story: Link Removed - Invalid URL