
  1. VIDEO Watch "GOP senator calls out his party for fearing Trump" on YouTube

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  2. VIDEO Watch "GOP Gets Wiped Out In California Senate Race | The Last Word | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  3. VIDEO Watch "President Trump, GOP Keep Scott Pruitt On Despite Flagrant Abuse Of Office | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  4. VIDEO Watch "President Trump, GOP Keep Scott Pruitt On Despite Flagrant Abuse Of Office | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  5. VIDEO Watch "Dean On Cohen Meeting Russian: Trump “Infected” GOP With “Swamp” | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  6. VIDEO Watch "GOP lawmaker makes shocking claim about Mueller" on YouTube

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  7. VIDEO Watch "Senator: Trump claim embarrasses GOP colleagues" on YouTube

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  8. VIDEO Watch "GOP Candidate: Euthanize Poor People!" on YouTube

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  9. VIDEO Watch "Extremists And Worse Slip Through As GOP Rushes To Pack Courts | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  10. VIDEO Watch "Jim Himes Slams GOP Russia Probe After Avenatti Revelations | The Last Word | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  11. VIDEO Watch "DOJ Gets Wise To GOP Effort To Tip Off President Trump On Mueller Probe | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  12. VIDEO Watch "GOP Shows Inconsistency Regarding Rod Rosenstein | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  13. VIDEO Watch "Bush Lawyer Slams GOP Defense Of Trumps Embattled EPA Chief | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  14. VIDEO President Donald Trump's Approval May Be Bad For GOP In Midterms | Morning Joe | MSNBC

  15. VIDEO Jeff Flake hopes GOP colleagues will defend Mueller

  16. VIDEO Sen. Flake calls for a GOP challenger to Trump

  17. VIDEO Senator Chris Murphy: If GOP Won't Act, They're Complicit In Mass Shootings | Morning Joe | MSNBC

  18. VIDEO Democrats Release Response to GOP FISA Memo | MSNBC

  19. VIDEO GOP lawmaker: Banning AR-15 weapons could save lives

  20. VIDEO GOP candidate defends AR-15 rifle giveaway
