
  1. W

    Windows 7 Harddrive error

    i have a ECS Elite Group black series mother board 500gig harddrive and a 320 gig harddrive amd phenom triple core 2 gig ddr3 600watts powersupply gforce 8800gt 512mb i was playing game online when my pc suddenly stuck n restared...then it says sata slave S.M.A.R.T capable status bad. backup and...
  2. E

    Windows 7 BSOD fault PC woe

    For the past 3 weeks I have been having BSOD's I have tried to repair my PC, to no avail, even tried to restore. While trying to restore I received errors about my disk, so I perfomed a chkdsk /r operation twice and second time around I received no disk errors, tried to restore again, and...