Dr. Ralf Lämmel returns for an exploration of folds, aka bananas. This is lecture 5 in his C9 Lecture series covering advanced functional programming topics. Welcome back, Ralf! We're so happy to have you here!
Why bananas, Ralf?
Banana is functional programming slang for "fold"—an application...
We had to cover monads eventually, and there are many great monad tutorials out there (see, for example, here: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Tutorials#Using_monads). In fact, there are web resources concerned solely with organizing the many monad tutorials available in the wild, and...
I want to add some options to the right click menu. For instance, when I right-click a Haskell (.hs) file, I want to have an option "Compile with GHC". Following some instructions I found online, I went into regedit, and under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.hs, I added shell\Compile with GHC\command...
In*part*3 of the Advanced Functional Programming lecture series, Dr. Lämmel focuses on the domain of language interpretation as a*method of understanding some important functional programming techniques. As a side effect, some basics of programming language theory are also informally presented...
abstract syntax trees
advanced topics
coding techniques
dr. ralf lämmel
fixed point combinator
functional programming
language theory
lecture series
maybe type
programming language
programming lectures
stepwise development