
  1. H

    Front USB header no notification Windows 11

  2. Changing Header and Footer Commands in Notepad

    Learn about changing Header and Footer commands in Notepad Continue reading...
  3. C

    Windows 7 Task Manager Broken

    Me Again ! New machine with Windows 7 Pro. Wanted to use Task Manager to halt a programme. Task Manager comes up in the Processes page, no header, no tabs, no way out other than closing the thing with the Taskbar context popup. Can I somehow correct this, or should I seek a...
  4. Vary header is overwritten as "Accept-Encoding" after you enable dynamic content compression...

    Continue reading...
  5. R

    Windows 7 BSOD - Bad Pool Header BCCCode 19

    I have had many BSOD crashes recently, with the Bad Pool header error. I have been troubleshooting for a while, but can't read the minidump files, nor am I able to attach them, I constantly get permission denied errors. Any advice is much appreciated.
  6. A

    Windows 7 BSOD random, from PFN page error, memory management ,bad pool header

    pls delet this thread. my mistake wrong forum
  7. A

    Windows 7 windows update doesnt work

    i just installed win7 a few days ago today i found that when i open win update it opens with this on top #element moudle headertext# how to fix this im using win7 32 bit.