
  1. whoosh

    ART Santa's Helpers

  2. News

    Announcing Windows Community Toolkit v6.1

    We are thrilled to announce today the next update to the Windows Community Toolkit, version 6.1. This release was made possible with help and contributions from across our developer community. While a ‘minor’ release, it is jam-packed with new controls, helpers, and improvements to the whole...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Fisher House Foundation

  4. News

    Windows 7 Web Camps TV #5 - Building your own WebMatrix Helpers

    In this episode of Web Camps TV, James is joined by Erik Porter, PM on the ASP.NET team. Erik is responsible for the Helpers that go into the WebMatrix tool. You can think of Helpers as shortcuts used to build apps more quickly, and these shortcuts are broken into two different types: UI Helpers...
  5. News

    Windows 7 Web Camps TV #3 - WebMatrix Helpers with Jim Wang

    Link RemovedThis week on Web Camps TV, Link Removed talks to Link Removed about the new Helpers in WebMatrix. Link Removed is the free tool from Microsoft that makes it easy to build websites and web applications, then publish them on the internet with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. In...