
  1. D

    Windows 11 Full Context Menu tweak not working for All Users (HKU/Default), works fine for HKCU

    Recently I used the known tweak to enable the full context menu in Windows 11 on my work laptop, and it worked as advertised, no problems at all. I understand that this tweak will only change the context menu for the currently logged in user (ME), hence modifying HKCU.... Reg.exe add...
  2. T

    Windows Vista Understanding the "HKCU" Dialogue Box: Tips and Solutions

    In between I get a dialogue box saying "HKCU" and I can't find out what it means. Any suggestions to help me out? ZG aka TT
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    Windows 7 Understanding Dialog Box Messages: What Does 'OK' Mean?

    I get this message in a dialogue box asking for an OK Can you tell what is means and what I am OKing?