Embedded computing has been around for a number of years. Recent advances in computing such as artificial intelligence, more powerful sensors, and container technology are unlocking new scenarios and creating new paradigms for device developers. As Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning...
application modernization
artificial intelligence
azure iot edge
cloud integration
continuous integration
device development
edge browser
embedded systems
kiosk mode
machine learning
robot operating system
silicon support
windows 10
windows ce
windows iot enterprise
Windows 10 Insider builds recently introduced support for srcset, our first step on the path to fully supporting the picture element for responsive images. In this post we’d like to share more about our initial implementation of srcset in Windows 10 and our strategy for bringing more components...
browser implementation
currentsrc api
developer feedback
feature detection
image attributes
image loading
insider builds
microsoft edge
pixel density
responsive images
user experience
web compatibility
web development
web standards
windows 10
Hello everyone,
Tonight, we implemented CloudFlare, which uses its own content delivery network and content processing. Were the site to go down, content would continue to be available for a number of days, even if our servers that process that data goes down. This is not the first time that we...