image upload

  1. whoosh

    ART Radio Station

  2. whoosh

    ART Resting

  3. whoosh

    ART Satire

  4. rbeldua

    GFX Team : How To Insert Signature

    :clover: Signature size of your custom image at the maximum should be 700 by 200 pixels or 1.00 MB (whichever is smaller) :clover: 1. Click Settings [/IMG] 2. Click Edit Signature [/IMG] OPTION 1 [/IMG] 1. or you can copy the image code of your uploaded signature from any image hosting...
  5. M

    Windows 7 Applications fail using file open dialog to select image 1. upload to a siverlight app, 2.. attach i

    I have an HP Pavilion laptop (dv7-3085dx), running W7 pro 64 bit. For months I had problems with selecting and uploading images. I thought this was just a problem with some older apps until I got a new Win7 PC at work and have not had these problems. Issues history: Graphics s/w - A free...
  6. M

    Windows 7 I can't upload or save images, what is the problem?

    This has been going on since I downloaded the OS. Everything works fine, except when I want to "Save Image As" to save an image to my computer, or upload a picture, for say, an avatar. When I try, my computer shows that it's going through the process, but then it stops and doesn't do anything...