install programs

  1. arya6000

    Windows 10 Disable one NIC for Windows 10 user and leave another enabled?

    Is it possible to create a user in Windows 10 who has permission to install/uninstall programs, but does not have permission to enable one of the NICs on the system? I want one of the NICs to remain enabled, but remove permission from him for one of the NICs
  2. Nir Harel

    Windows 7 Windows Local Policy Editor

    Hey , i have Windows 7 Ultimate and i want to set it so other admin users cant install programs. I have launched the Windows Local Policy Editor and i tried to find the line with the install field with no success. Can someone tell me what is the name of the field that consists of installing...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Account type: Standard user

    hello, I have created a standard user. my requirements: 1. standard user can install programs, which is saved for future uses (i have seen pcs where the programs are deleted/uninstalled as soon as the user log out) 2. standard user CANNOT re-install windows by inserting a windows disc at...