Link Removed is about making your app usable to the largest possible audience. For some apps, accessibility is required by law. For others, it’s part of the service you are offering to a specific audience and a way to make your app more generally appealing.
Choosing to incorporate accessibility...
Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of posts from the team that built the 10k Apart contest page, exploring the process of building for interoperability, accessibility, and progressive enhancement in less than 10kB.
When Link Removed first approached me about bringing back the 10k...
Natural User Interface, or NUI, is one of the favourite flavours du jour in certain interaction design and user experience circles. On the one hand, the term signals a change from the Graphical User Interace, or GUI, that has been prevalent since the early 1980s. In many ways, that is good. Not...
academy award
acm sigchi
bill buxton
creative endeavour
digital tools
graphical user interface
human-computer interaction
lifetime achievement
natural user interface
professional development
user experience