
  1. K

    Windows 11 How to find which programs fires a cmd window

    On my windows 11 machine, after it is running for a couple of minutes I briefly see 2 cmd windows popup briefl. They're gone way too fast to see what command is executed or to have any clue where they originate from. How would I go about finding out what program is executing them ?
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Why Wouldn't Brett Kavanaugh Want The FBI To Investigate? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji33] Sent from my G3311 using Windows Forums mobile app
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Montoya: If Anyone Else Backed Putin Like Donald Trump, We'd Investigate | The 11th Hour | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji173] [emoji635] [emoji61] [emoji779] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump Is Using The State Department To Investigate Which Staffers Are Loyal To Him" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji779] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Cooper: Trump targets those investigating him

  6. Sonic Feathers

    Windows 7 Remove Hack Admin acc.

    Hello, Got hacked April 8 after Android Z3 stolen. Was aware after event, comp was compromised. Changed all Pwords, 2 weeks after changed all Pwords. But see now how they have done things, they didn't write script, enter trojan, key loger (?), nup. All he did was change settings, Administrator...
  7. whoosh

    Apparently, swapping the Aero and Basic themes of Windows 7 repeatedly is not such a great idea

    Apparently, swapping the Aero and Basic themes of Link Removed - Invalid URL repeatedly is not such a great idea. Microsoft warned customers that multiple, back and forth changes between Aero and Basic would cause the operating Link Removed - Invalid URL to act up. Specifically, customers will...
  8. whoosh

    Windows 7 Privacy groups file complaint with FTC over Facebook settings

    Link Removed A bevy of privacy groups, spearheaded by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Facebook’s latest privacy settings. Link Removed - Invalid URLThe settings, which on one hand give you more...
  9. S

    Windows 7 network traffic causing computer to lag

    I posted about this as an audio issue, got no responses. I'm going to try one more time. whenever there's heavy internet traffic (upwards of 300 to 500 k/s and above), the system will lag, most notably if there is any audio playing in any application. the audio will continuously jerk and skip...