julie larson-green

  1. News

    What We Really Learned About Windows 8 @ D9

    Paul Thurrott's Supersite for Windows In this summary of the Windows 8 revelations at D9 earlier this month, I catalog what it is that Steven Sinofsky and Julie Larson-Green really revealed about Windows 8 during the talk. Here for the first time is a rundown of the new information only. ...
  2. News

    Windows 8: Sinofsky @ D9 Transcribed, Part 3: Q & A

    Paul Thurrott's Supersite for Windows In the third and concluding part of of my transcript of Steven Sinofsky's D9 appearance earlier this month, I focus on the Q & A with Sinofsky and Julie Larson-Green. ... Source: Paul Thurott's SuperSite for Windows