koch brothers

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Republican Lawmakers Confused And Scared About Trump vs. Koch Brothers Fight" on YouTube

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  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Did President Donald Trump Make A Mistake By Slamming The Koch Brothers? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji36] [emoji779] [emoji385] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "EXPOSED: Ajit Pai Addicted To Koch" on YouTube

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  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Koch Bros Will Reap Hundreds of Millions From Tax Cuts

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Koch Brothers Sick Of Our Soldiers Getting Single-Payer Healthcare

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Koch Brothers Offer Million Dollar Bribes To Republicans To Vote Against Trumpcare
