

  2. VIDEO British prime minister announces UK terror threat level raised to critical

  3. Process that runs in Untrusted integrity level is reported as an AppContainer after you...

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  4. I

    Windows 7 How to launch volume adjuster application from "start"

    Using only start (or the shell thing), how do I launch the "volume mixer" application so I can control the sound level of my computer? Note: No keyboard, no access to system tray, no questions.
  5. Windows XP laptop battery icon

    My daughter was given this laptop from my parents. HP ZE4325us. The battery level icon in the notification area has disappeared. Where can I find it and how can I put it back?
  6. Z

    Windows 7 Line in volume problem

    Make a long storey short i installed a bluettoth and conected my handfree device. i then get line in divce for it where sound comes in, ok the issue here is that when i went into "levles" i was at 0, i then wanted too drag it abit higher, but then i went stright too -14.0DB, wich is worse then...
  7. S

    Windows 7 PDF from internet

    I use Windows 7 6048 x64 and enjoy it but now I found one thing that disturb me. I need to open PDF file from Internet source but can't do it!! The document have alot of levels and links and my reader open only first (main) page. others not accessible. I tried FOXIT, Adobe Acrobat and...