Xen Virtualization on Linux and Solaris: "First of all setup DNJL PPA to upgrade KVM/QEMU up to Qemu 0.12.5 & Libvirt 0.8.3 on Ubuntu Lucid Server and download the most recent Fedora virtio-win drivers from http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/virtio-win/latest/images/bin as floppy and ISO...
New motherboard no longer required
Lucid has said that its HydraLogix manufacturer-agnostic multi-GPU will no longer need an expensive new motherboard that includes the chip. Although the technology has been getting some good reviews, it seems that one of the things that has been holding it...
Next generation of multi-GPU
Lucid has announced a new chip in its Hydra multi-GPU lineup, the Hydra 200. As you may remember, Lucid has announced the first Hydra 100 a year ago, and these chips bring hardware multi-GPU without SLI or Crossfire software. This also means that, thanks to Lucid...