mac app store

  1. reghakr

    Mac App Store delays critical updates

    The Mac App Store is the recently launched integrated application store for Mac OS X which brings the experience of the iPhone and iPad App Store to Apple's general purpose operating system. For the user, this promises a one-stop shop for Mac applications and easy installation and updating. But...
  2. News

    This Is What the Windows 8 App Store May Look Like [Rumors]

    # rumors Everybody's got an App Store these days, and now that Windows 8 previews have been distributed , we're starting to glimpses of what may be the rumored Windows 8 App Store. The image above is from Chinese web site cnBeta , which appears to claim they're part of the Windows 8 preview...
  3. News

    Is This the Windows 8 App Store?

    Rumors of a Windows 8 app store have resurfaced, with a website posting what it claims are leaked screenshots. The screenshots, posted by Chinese-language website CNBeta, show a store that looks awfully similar to the Mac App Store, which launched in January. There's a big pane for a featured...
  4. News

    Windows 8 App Store Images Surface, Look About Right [Blip]

    # blip Late to—but not quite out of—the app store game, Microsoft has a challenger after all: images have surfaced of the Windows 8 App Store, the company's challenger to Apple's Mac app emporium. More*» Source: Yahoo! News