
  1. Microsoft Announces Top Three Contributing Partners in the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP)

    Today Microsoft announced the MAPP program Top Vulnerability Contributors, Top Threat Indicator Submitters, and Top Zero-Day Reporting for the period of July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019. The Microsoft Active Protections Program provides security and protection to customers through cooperation and...
  2. Microsoft Launches a New Recognition Program for MAPP Partners

    There are many dedicated people and organizations who contribute to the protection and security of our common customers. For years, Microsoft has recognized security researchers for helping protect the ecosystem. Now, we’re announcing the launch of a new program to better recognize and thank...
  3. Driving a Collectively Stronger Security Community with Microsoft Interflow

    Today, Microsoft is pleased to announce the private preview of Link Removed, a security and threat information exchange platform for analysts and researchers working in cybersecurity. Interflow uses industry specifications to create an automated, machine-readable feed of threat and security...
  4. Leaving Las Vegas and the August 2013 security updates

    Two weeks ago I, along with 7,500 of my closest friends, attended the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, NV. I can’t speak for everyone, but I certainly had a great – if not exhausting – time while there. While there were a lot of great talks, a personal highlight for me each year is...
  5. Blue Hat Prize technology available in Tech Preview

    One year ago this week we challenged the security community to take an unconventional focus on defensive innovation. We called that challenge the Link Removed due to 404 Error, and tomorrow night, we will award the grand prize of $200,000 to one of the finalists - Jared DeMott, Ivan Fratric, or...
  6. MAPP Update: Taking Action to Decrease Risk of Information Disclosure

    During our investigation into the disclosure of confidential data shared with our Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) partners, we determined that a member of the MAPP program, Hangzhou DPTech Technologies Co., Ltd., had breached our non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Microsoft takes...
  7. News from MAPP, and Advance Notification Service for the December 2011 Bulletin Release

    Hello all. Before we look at next week’s bulletin release, we’d like to point out an update to our Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) that should provide customers with greater transparency as to how MAPP partners use the information we share with them when we release...
  8. Microsoft Security Advisory (2639658): Vulnerability in TrueType Font Parsing Could Allow Elevation

    Revision Note: V1.3 (November 8, 2011): Added link to MAPP Partners with Updated Protections in the Executive Summary. Revised impact statement for the workaround, Deny access to T2EMBED.DLL, to address a reoffer issue on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Also, revised the mitigating factors...
  9. MSRC Progress Report Shows Continued Progress of MSRC Key Initiatives

    Today, the MSRC released its Link Removed due to 404 Errort highlighting advancements of key Microsoft programs designed to help prevent and defend against online threats. The Microsoft programs featured in this paper include the following: The Link Removed due to 404 Error (MAPP) and Link...
  10. Microsoft releases Security Advisory 2490606

    Hello - Today we released Link Removed due to 404 Error, which addresses a publicly disclosed vulnerability affecting Microsoft Windows Graphics Rendering Engine on Vista, Server 2003, and Windows XP. We are not aware of any affected customers, nor of any active attacks targeting customers. The...