
  1. VIDEO SOMETHING Opened A Massive Hole In Antarctica 10/14/17

    Big as the State of Maine :eek: !
  2. Minecraft

    This is a screen shot of my Minecraft server. I set off 8,192 packs of TNT as one time and this is what the server looked like. LMAO Needless to say it crashed, and when I got it up and running again, the TNT had started over. This started an explosion that lasted about a good 15 minutes. It was...
  3. Huge Black Hole Discovered in Small Galaxy

    Huge Black Hole Discovered in Small Galaxy Which came first: the black hole or its home galaxy? This chicken-and-egg analogy is an issue raised with the discovery of a massive black hole inside a tiny, dwarf galaxy, and it may provide clues to the formation of the universe. A little...