
  1. L

    So when relaxing from Astronomy, I did a DualBoot Windows 7 and Ubuntu and I also listen to Japanese

    So when relaxing from Astronomy, I did a DualBoot Windows 7 and Ubuntu, I did post some pictures of my setup in General Computing, and I also listen to Japanese music and rate these songs on animenfo radio and chat there, my nickname on animenfo radio is Rukasuzu. I chat on Ubuntu Irc...
  2. L

    I'm going upnorth Thursday and will be not avlalble

    I'm going UP North Thursday and will be not available for two weeks, maybe one week. I'm gonna try to take pictures of the stars and hopefully they will come out correctly. I bought a Canon Rebel XS and the adapters for my telescope Meade ETX LS ACF I already figured out how to take exposure as...