
  1. ART Ear Injury

  2. VIDEO How was this possible without the help of machines?

    Contains details of human antatomony 🤔
  3. VIDEO 'Tumors just vanished': Cancer patients now in remission after drug trial

  4. VIDEO Passenger with no flying experience lands plane after pilot medical emergency

  5. VIDEO The World’s First MRI of a SINGLE Atom Is Here, and It Could Revolutionize Imaging

  6. VIDEO Why this Army's Wounds Glowed Green

  7. VIDEO Oxygen Enemas Could Save Lives

    :headache: 💩 Phew heavy breathing
  8. NEWS Trump Wants To Inject People With Bleach To Kill Coronavirus

    After a presentation on the effectiveness of bleach and rubbing alcohol on killing coronavirus, Trump asked if people could be injected with disinfectant. Trump said at the coronavirus briefing: A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I...
  9. VIDEO Medical Expert 'Worried' About Trump After Bizarre Question On Injecting Disinfectant | MSNBC

    :usa: :insanity:
  10. VIDEO Trump & Friends Stop Promoting Hydroxychloroquine After Another Study Proves It Deadly

    :usa: :eek:
  11. VIDEO States Being Forced To Smuggle Medical Equipment So Feds Can't Steal It

    :usa: :insanity:
  12. VIDEO National COVID Response Useless For Coordinating Medical Supplies | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    :usa: :eek:
  13. NEWS Coronavirus: what happens to people's lungs when they get Covid-19?

    What became known as Covid-19, or the coronavirus, started in late 2019 and early 2020 in the Chinese city of Wuhan as a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause. The cause of the pneumonia was found to be a new virus – severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or Sars-CoV-2. The...
  14. VIDEO Medical Professional Calls For Bold Steps To Fix Resource Shortage | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    :usa: :rolleyes:
  15. VIDEO Infectious Disease Expert: Half Of America Is Likely To Catch Coronavirus | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

    :usa: :eek:
  16. VIDEO Trump "Ordering Elements of Medical" in Ghastly Copter-Conference

    :usa: :rolleyes:
  17. VIDEO Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident | SciShow News

  18. VIDEO Americans Are Being Thrown In Jail Over Medical Debts

    :usa: :eek:
  19. VIDEO Why This Man’s Skin Turned Blue

  20. VIDEO Sheriff Who Refused Obamacare Now Begging Strangers to Pay Medical Bills
