memory safety

  1. News

    Rust/WinRT Public Preview

    We are excited to announce that the Rust/WinRT project finally has a permanent and public home on GitHub: microsoft/winrt-rs Rust/WinRT follows in the tradition established by C++/WinRT of building language projections for the Windows Runtime using standard languages and compilers, providing a...
  2. News

    Designing a COM library for Rust

    I interned with Microsoft as a Software Engineering Intern in the MSRC UK team in Cheltenham this past summer. I worked in the Safe Systems Programming Language (SSPL) group, which explores safe programming languages as a proactive measure against memory-safety related vulnerabilities. This blog...
  3. News

    Mitigating arbitrary native code execution in Microsoft Edge

    Some of the most important security features in modern web browsers are those that you never actually see as you browse the web. These security features work behind the scenes to protect you from browser-based vulnerabilities that could be abused by hackers to compromise your device or personal...
  4. News

    Announcing the BlueHat Prize winners!

    Minutes ago in Las Vegas at the Microsoft Researcher Appreciation Party, we completed the journey we set out on together at the 2011 Black Hat briefings. There, we asked the security research community to focus its talent and expertise on defense, to design and prototype novel runtime mitigation...