
  1. D

    windows 2016 crash

    Recently my Windows 2016 install which worked fine for more than an year started crashing hard. and it gets into bluescreen. and we need to restore it from image. The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000133 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000501...
  2. G

    Windows 7 Help analyzing a kernel dump (MEMORY.dmp)

    Hello, I keep getting a clock watchdog timeout with a bugcheck 101 for about 6 months now (it happens about once per 2-3 days). I've reinstalled and updated windows7 x64, updated drivers, ran driver verifier for 24h, did ram, cpu, hdd, ssd, gpu stress tests for 10hours~, checked for bios...