message loop

  1. Alex Sokolek

    A strange problem with modeless dialog boxes

    I have solved the problem! When the AI Bot told me that I was stalling the message loop, I looked deeper. In the original code I was calling PeekMessage() with PM_REMOVE, filtering for WM_KEYDOWN, and then checking for VK_ESCAPE. This consumed the WM_KEYDOWN message but not any other messages...
  2. F

    Windows 11 Drawing a border and background color with a handle to a window.

    ``` #include <Windows.h> #include <Richedit.h> HWND hwnd; HWND panel; HWND richEdit; WNDPROC oldStaticProc; int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, PSTR, int); LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CALLBACK StaticProc(HWND hwnd, UINT...
  3. V

    Windows 7 Credential Provider problem on Windows 7

    Hello, I am a software developer and I encounter a LogonUI problem on Windows 7 when I use a credential provider in particular conditions. I have modified the SampleHardwareEventCredentialProvider sample of the RTMCredentialProviderSamples__FINAL archive (Link Removed). The original sample...