microsoft kb

  1. You may receive a blue screen error, DRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS,...

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  2. No event ID 100 is logged in the Diagnostics-Performance log when you start Windows 7 SP1

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  3. RDP session freezes when you connect to a remote virtual machine that is running Windows 7 SP1

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  4. Remote Assistance connection to a Windows 7 SP1-based Direct Access client computer fails

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  5. You cannot watch or record certain TV shows by using Windows Media Center on a computer that is runn

  6. You cannot convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk when the computer name contains double-byte charac

  7. You cannot change the DPI setting through a Remote Desktop session on a computer that is running Win

    Fixes an issue in which you cannot change the DPI setting on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. This issue occurs when you connect to the computer through a Remote Desktop session. More...