
  1. News

    Unity with VS Code

    Coding4Fun is doing a VS Code Theme Week and I tried to hunt down something, anything, related to the Kinect and VS Code. Anything... Well, I've been blogging about the Kinect and Unity a bunch, so showing how VS Code and Unity work together is close enough, right? Um... yeah... It's a...
  2. News

    End of Summer Fun with FunSharp

    With summer coming to an end it's not too early to start queuing up projects for the kids, young and old, for Thanksgiving and Winter break. :) Phillip Trelford recently released a cool new library that is meant to help speed and simplify creating graphic apps and games. a library that is just...
  3. News

    Two Raspberry PI LED Examples

    Rich Dudley reached out to me and based on our recent Raspberry PI posts, suggested I highlight his Blinking an LED with Raspberry Pi 2 and C# Mono post. I almost immediately replied to say it was already in the queue, but double checked first. There was indeed a Raspberry PI 2 LED post in the...
  4. News

    Raspberry PI 2 and the Microsoft Band

    With the recent release of the Microsoft Band SDK Preview, it seems right to highlight those of you how are building cool stuff with it... And if we mix in some IoT, well... woot! Joost van Schaik is mixing in just about everything, Microsoft Band, Raspberry PI 2, Mono, C# and even Windows...