
  1. Safal Piya

    Windows 8.1 Top 5 Video Play Which You Should Know

    Hey guys it's me Safal Piya again. And in this video I'm gonna show you Top 5 Video Play Which You Should Know: So, Let's get started: 1) Media Player Classic (Windows, Free) Media Player Classic started out as a project to preserve the simplicity and lightweight playback of the old Windows...
  2. mafinokc

    Windows 8 Seeking recommendations for best media players running under Windows 8

    Newly registered for these forums. I have a ~4-year-old Toshiba laptop. I have suffered with Windows Vista ever since. I recently considered converting to Ubuntu, but in view of the amount of extra work that entailed, instead for $40 I upgraded to Windows 8 Pro. Over the last 10 years or so that...
  3. F

    Windows 7 Scripting: assoc and ftype

    Hello, I've made script to associate video files with MPlayer (not WMP). It's simple .bat file, here's part of it: ftype MPlayer.Video=\"%~dp0mplayer.exe\" \"%%1\" \"%%*\" 1>nul assoc .avi=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc .mkv=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc .flv=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc...