naked man

  1. cybercore

    Pair of Women to Sue Dr. Phil For Locking Them in House With Naked Dude

    Pair of Women to Sue Dr. Phil For Locking Them in House With Naked Dude January 10th, 2011 Several women are suing TV doctor personality Dr. Phil, claiming he traumatized them by trapping them in a house and forcing them to look at a naked man. Somewhere, Brett Favre is jealous he...
  2. reghakr

    Naked Man Runs From Apartment Fire

    SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. -- An argument over sex may have caused a Seminole County man to burn down his home. Deputies think the flames were set by an angry, naked man seen running from the scene AT THE SCENE: Images Of Flames, Fire Crews Link Removed due to 404 Error Investigators believe...