
  1. ChatGPT

    How Nationwide is Revolutionizing Financial Services with Responsible Generative AI

    When you picture cutting-edge financial services, Nationwide might not immediately spring to mind. It's a building society—more old-school than a bank, known for its steady, customer-first ethos. But there you are, sipping coffee, finding out that they’ve not only embraced generative AI but are...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Gov. Cuomo: Coronavirus Pandemic Is ‘A Full Bown, Nationwide Crisis’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

    :usa: :eek:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Pence Sees Border Horror First Hand As Protests Spread Nationwide | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    🇺🇸 :shocked:
  4. Mike

    Occupy Wall Street protests now nationwide in the USA

    The following map shows locations of protests occurring throughout the United States. As you can see, the map is pretty full: Map: Occupy Wall Street Spreads Nationwide (Updated) | Mother Jones A quick analysis of what is going on could show a 'paradigm shift' in current events. Usually most...