
  1. I

    Windows 10 Typing and Scroling

    Hi, I have something strange happing for a while now and cannot find a fix; or even identify what is causing it. This doe not happing all the time, like I was able to type this issue here. However, out of no where it will occur, and then stop at other times; or maybe it will happen and then...
  2. Windows 10 Bring Notepad back

    Hi, In trying to install metapad or notepad2 I failed, messed up things & now when I click on notepad a window opens giving choices & have to click on notepad then OK to open it. There is a notepad in both windows & system32, how can I get my notepad proper again? I would prefer metapad or...
  3. Windows 10 change cursor from a square to a vertical line

    Hi, I get this square instead of a vertical line for a cursor when I type anywhere, i.e word, emails, notepad etc. Google help said press the "ins" key but, nothing happens on my PC. Home made CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Pro Q6600 95W 2.4GHz, OCZ Vendetta Cpu Cooler, 2x2GB, 240-pin DIMM, DDR2...
  4. Windows 10 How do I Keep Notepad on the Screen

    Even from the days of XP, I never found a way to keep either notepad or wordpad on top of other pages. Clicking anywhere on the screen with notepad open immediately minimizes it. Is there any way to keep notepad locked on top of other windows?Thanks in advance for your assisstance.
  5. High DPI Scaling Improvements for Desktop Applications and “Mixed Mode” DPI Scaling in the...

    As display technology has improved over time, the cutting edge has moved towards having more pixels packed into each physical square inch, and away from simply making displays physically larger. This trend has increased the dots per inch (DPI) of the displays on the market today. The Surface Pro...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Convert a notepad from hex format to text

    Hello, Im trying to read a notepad that is in hex format in normal text. I have downloaded the program notepad++, but cant follow the tutorials very well. I tried typing the exact words from the title and couldnt find a tutorial to match, nor do I necessarily wish to learn too much about hex...
  7. Windows 10 Separate multiple program windows on tasbar

    I'm editing a game in Notepad and all the Notepad windows are together on the taskbar. They are not grouped into 1 button, that setting is off in the Taskbar Properties. Instead, on the taskbar, if I try to move a Notepad window to the other side of Chrome window, all of the Notepad windows come...
  8. MS15-088 - Important: Unsafe Command Line Parameter Passing Could Allow Information...

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (August 11, 2015): Bulletin published. Summary: This security update helps to resolve an information disclosure vulnerability in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Office. To exploit the vulnerability an attacker would first have to...
  9. G

    Windows 10 Application Window Size and Location

    I have upgraded an HP Laptop to Windows 10. I have noticed that when I open windows the position is not the same as when I closed the window. Sometimes it is close. Eg with FF pushes the top up if any part of the bottom frame is below the taskbar. Windows Edge, the newly opened window appears to...
  10. M

    Windows 10 I can't find the reserve Windows 10 app!!

    I know there are a lot of different threads about this issue but all of them seemed to do nothing in my case. I updated everything and tried pasting: reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Appraiser" /v UtcOnetimeSend /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f schtasks /run /TN...
  11. I

    Windows 8 Win 8.1 Accessibility question

    hi all, I happen to be physically and visually challenged, and interfacing with my computer is difficult, but I got to a point where I manage. This specific thread will be related to the visually challenge side. It may sound overly dramatic, but in order for my eyes not to explode in sharp pain...
  12. W

    Windows 7 Most applications are opening in Vim

    Starting this morning, my Windows 7 is opening most applications in Vim (Vim is my editor of choice). The following is an itemized list of this bizarre behavior. From Start menu, most applications display the Vim icon (screen shot below). From Start menu, most applications open in Vim...
  13. P

    Windows 7 A log of what has been done... difficult to explain

    Hi guys & gals, I'm going to try my hardest to explain this but basically is there a way of find out what I have done previously or what happened when I did a particular action... For example: a friend of mine plugged in a USB stick with some pictures in which they wanted to transfer. For...
  14. H

    Windows 7 [SOLVED]Opening Text File Opens Command Prompt Instead

    Hi all: I have the strangest problem. If I double click a .txt file, it opens a Command Prompt window rather than the .txt file! If I use right click, open with, choose default program, the check box for "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" is grayed out. If I select...
  15. Windows 8 Windows 8 Errors

    Currently on my windows 8 whenever I try to save anything with notepad, wordpad or microsoft word it crashes when I try saving. Also whenever I try to import files into another file or program it crashes. I'm also having problems when i try to get my computer to hibernate or sleep, its goes into...
  16. Windows 7 AlwaysShowExt For Specific Extensions

    Not long ago I was experiencing an annoying problem: the file extension for ICO files were always displayed while known filetypes' extensions were set to be hidden. My primary icon editor/handler was (and still is) IconLover, and at one point I my registry explorations, I found the offending...
  17. Windows 7 Change Default Icon For A Specific Extension ONLY

    Is there a way via RegEdit to change the icon normally associated with, for instance, *.LOG files WITHOUT changing the icons of all other text files? I used to be able to do this under Windows XP, under the Filetypes tab of Folder Options, but since Vista came out that option is no longer...
  18. R

    Windows 7 Keyboard Problem

    I have an intermittent problem with the keyboard on my HP Pavilion laptop. More and more frequently the letters and numbers which appear are if they are encrypted. The gibberish seems to appear only in browsers and the Windows search box. There seems to be nothing I can do...
  19. E

    Windows XP Is this possible?

    Hello, I have a Windows 7 Pro system and I use to edit some Fixed Lenght txt files with Notepad. The data imported in Notepad are correctly formatted i.e. I see them listed on rows and columns as a table. A friend that has a system based on XP Pro, when imports the same data on Notepad gets...
  20. D

    Windows 8 [Shell Class Info Error in Desktop startup]

    Hi All All of a sudden last month after the Win 8 startup when i click the desktop icon the startup programs start at that time every time one notepad opens up stating the b/m message. " [.ShellClassInfo]LocalizedResourceName=@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-21787 " Can you plese tell...