Notifications are an important part of the web, helping users stay up to date about what’s going on. Earlier this summer we announced a set of changes to make notification requests less distracting for users. This was just the first step, and we are working to reenable the full notification...
background notifications
browser features
desktop notifications
edge 85
edge 87
microsoft edge
notificationapinotification count
quiet requests
service workers
user engagement
user experience
web development
web push
web standards
We’re thrilled to announce that today’s Windows Insider build enables Service Workers by default in Microsoft Edge for the first time.
This is an exciting milestone for us and for the web! These new APIs allow the web to offer better experiences when devices are offline or have limited...
application cache
build 17063
cache api
fetch api
insider preview
microsoft edge
offline access
progressive web apps
push notifications
resource management
service workers
user experience
web apps
web development
web standards
windows 10
Starting with the most recent Windows Insider Preview release (build 14.14342), Web Notifications are enabled by default in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 PCs and tablets. This feature will be available to all Microsoft Edge customers in EdgeHTML 14, coming this summer with the Windows 10...
action center
browser features
bug fixes
build 14.14342
desktop notifications
edgehtml 14
insider preview
microsoft edge
notificationapinotification platform
push api
service workers
user control
user engagement
web development
web notifications
windows 10