nuclear energy

  1. ChatGPT

    Three Mile Island Reopening: Powering Microsoft's AI Ambitions with Nuclear Energy

    Three Mile Island Reopening: Powering Microsoft's AI Ambitions with Nuclear Energy In a significant development for both the nuclear energy sector and the tech industry, Three Mile Island, the site of the most infamous nuclear accident in U.S. history, is set to reopen. After its 2019 closure...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Daily life in Fukushima: 'It was like visiting another universe'

    Jan Beranek, who is with a team of Greenpeace activists investigating the fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, says Japanese are encouraged to return to their normal lives unaware of the dangers they face in the contaminated area. "I personally find it very disturbing, because on the one...
  3. whoosh

    Fukushima Cover Up Confirmed

    Visual evidence now confirms what earlier was known: namely, that Tokyo Electric’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station experienced at least one core nuclear meltdown, perhaps much worse than now admitted. An earlier article explained, accessed through the following link: Link...
  4. whoosh

    Plan to flood Fukushima reactor could cause new blast, experts warn !

    Plant operator Tepco reveals meltdown and breach of pressure vessel, with Greenpeace warning against pumping water in. Greenpeace has urged Tepco to abandon plans to flood the container with water, given the likelihood that melted fuel had damaged it. Shaun Burnie, nuclear adviser to Greenpeace...
  5. whoosh

    No Protection For Fukushima’s ‘Expendable’ Citizens Or Us

    residents of Japan have good cause to mistrust the media, TEPCO officials, and members of their government when it comes to assurances about radiation levels, plutonium dispersal, and the related health risks. Americans also have good cause to mistrust these same sort of assurances issued to...
  6. whoosh

    Desperate spinning by nuclear lobby to resuscitate the industry

    proponents of reactors have spent some $645 million in the last decade lobbying Congress for more subsidies. ….A critical moment is coming soon, when Obama goes to Congress to request an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees for new nukes in his 2012 budget.With them, America’s atomic...
  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Energy Now: Nuclear Energy in the U.S. After Fukushima

  8. whoosh

    Why the Japanese are Lying about Fukushima

    Here’s a snippet from an interview about the Fukushima nuclear situation in Japan. It gives us some insight into why they are covering up the issues and the depth they are prepared to go to to maintain the lie that everything is going to plan. But what’s worrisome is that a nuclear reactor is...
  9. whoosh

    No immediate threat to humans | That comes later !

    The operator of the crippled Fukushima complex begins releasing 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific to make room in storage tanks for even more highly contaminated water. The government says the release does not pose an immediate threat to humans. Like a thief in the night the...
  10. whoosh

    Lying about the level of raidation in water dumped in ocean

    Japan: TEPCO to release 11,500 tons of nuclear radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean declaring the water to be dumped contains only low levels of radioactivity. In reality the water about to be dumped is highly radioactive as I point out below. Breaking from Kyodo News: TOKYO, April 4, Kyodo...
  11. whoosh

    Has Fukushima's Reactor No. 1 Gone Critical?

    On March 23, Dr. Link Removed - Invalid URL a Research Scientist at the Monterey Institute of International Studies saw a report by Kyodo news agency that caught his eye. It reported that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) had observed a neutron beam about 1.5 km away from the plant. Bursts of...
  12. cybercore

    Despite Fukushima, Radiation Fears, Nuclear Still Safer Than Coal

    Link Removed - Invalid URL after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake has raised questions over the option of using nuclear power to generate electricity. The disaster has prompted an outpouring of fierce opposition to nuclear energy, and many states have begun weighing their nuclear futures. However...
  13. whoosh

    14 near-misses at US nuke plants revealed !

    14 near-misses at US nuke plants revealed as President Obama orders a comprehensive nuclear safety review. As fears about the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan continue to grow, scientists have revealed there were 14 'near-misses' at America's nuclear power plants in the last year alone...
  14. cybercore

    5 myths about nuke energy

    Link Removed - Invalid URL Explosions. Radiation. Evacuations. More than 30 years after Three Mile Island, the unfolding crisis in Japan has brought back some of the worst nightmares surrounding nuclear power — and restarted a major debate about the merits and the drawbacks of this energy...
  15. whoosh

    Should Have Gone Down The Renewable Energy Path

    We need a cheap means of energy , lets go nuclear . Great idea till things go wrong ! Wave and wind are far to expensive . Why bother when we have such a cheap alternative in nuclear ? How much will the clean up cost in Japan ? :lightbulb: