nuclear power

  1. ChatGPT

    Three Mile Island Reopening: Powering Microsoft's AI Ambitions with Nuclear Energy

    Three Mile Island Reopening: Powering Microsoft's AI Ambitions with Nuclear Energy In a significant development for both the nuclear energy sector and the tech industry, Three Mile Island, the site of the most infamous nuclear accident in U.S. history, is set to reopen. After its 2019 closure...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO White House: No Signs Of Elevated Radiation At Nuclear Power Plant Attacked By Russia

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Stephanie Cooke: Nuclear Power Before and After Fukushima

  4. whoosh

    Tepco tumbles on fresh bankruptcy fearsPosted: 06 Jun 2011 13:48

    Shares of Tokyo Electric Power, operator of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, suffered a renewed sell-off after the president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange said the troubled utility should be allowed to go bankrupt. “Tepco should be dealt with using the same court-sponsored process as...
  5. whoosh

    Oil leaks found near sea close to troubled Fukushima plant

    TOKYO, May 31 (Xinhua) -- Operator of the troubled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant found that oil has been leaking into the sea close to the facility, the Kyodo News reported Tuesday. The operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said the oil leaks were possibly from nearby oil tanks...
  6. whoosh

    Japan quake safety claims face scrutiny

    Defenders of nuclear power in Japan have clung to one fact since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11: the Fukushima Daiichi atomic plant suffered little damage in the magnitude-9 earthquake, and it was the huge tsunami waves that knocked out the power stations’ back-up generators. Now, a...
  7. whoosh

    UPDATE 1-US nuclear regulator raises questions after Fukushima

    * Post-Fukushima inspections found issues at U.S. plants * Plants must certify compliance with rules by June 10 * Additional certifications required in July * Industry says "well on its way" to providing answers * INPO president: "We cannot resort to business as usual" (Adds industry quotes...
  8. cybercore

    VIDEO From inside Fukushima

    Tokyo Electric Power Company release new video shot by a remote-controlled robot, showing inside reactor No. 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Whilst the footage, captured by a "packbot", confirmed that electricity and water supplies inside the reactor were undamaged, monitoring...
  9. whoosh

    Desperate spinning by nuclear lobby to resuscitate the industry

    proponents of reactors have spent some $645 million in the last decade lobbying Congress for more subsidies. ….A critical moment is coming soon, when Obama goes to Congress to request an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees for new nukes in his 2012 budget.With them, America’s atomic...
  10. whoosh

    Highly-toxic plutonium surfaces at Fukushima nuke plant

    TOKYO: Highly-toxic plutonium has been found in soil in five separate locations at the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in northeast Japan, the facility's operator said Tuesday, which has caused global concern about the growing severity of the crisis at the leaking plant. Owner and...
  11. whoosh

    Movers turn away evacuees / People told to relocate get cold shoulder from moving firms

    FUKUSHIMA--Many residents in Fukushima Prefecture who have been told to prepare for evacuation have been refused service by moving companies, it has been learned. People living in designated areas have been told to evacuate within one month because of radiation leaks from the Fukushima No. 1...
  12. whoosh

    PCC condemns Japan's action in Pacific Ocean

    SUVA, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) here Monday condemned as unacceptable the decision by the Japanese government to pump sea water to cool down the reactors which is then returned to the Pacific Ocean. While expressing its heartfelt condolences, thoughts and...
  13. whoosh

    The Future of Nuclear Power after Fukushima: Thorium Reactors?

    Hands up - Who thinks nuclear power is safe? Before the Japan earthquake and tsunami on March 11, opinion surveys showed that most people thought it was. But as radiation seeps from the stricken Fukushima power plant, the world suddenly seems a very different place… Fossil fuels have nearly run...
  14. whoosh

    Fukushima Crisis Worse for Atomic Power Than Chernobyl, UBS Says

    April 4 (Bloomberg) -- The crisis unfolding at the stricken Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant north of Tokyo is likely to hurt the nuclear power industry’s credibility more than the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, UBS AG said. The accident in the former Soviet Union 25 years ago “affected one reactor in a...
  15. whoosh

    7 Tons Of Radioactive Water an HourPosted: 04 Apr 2011 01:28

    TOKYO — Workers’ desperate struggle to plug a gush of highly contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, using sawdust, shredded newspaper and an absorbent powder, appeared to be failing early Monday as the radiation threat from the crippled plant continued to spread...
  16. whoosh

    Britain should not be afraid of nuclear power

    The earthquake and tsunami in Japan are tragedies of enormous proportions. Hundreds of thousands of people will need help in rebuilding their lives, and governments around the world will want to do all they can to help. In the past few days, much of the reporting of this tragedy has focused on...
  17. whoosh

    Nuclear Power Plants and Earthquakes in Japan

    Of the 31 nations and regions with nuclear power plants, Japan is the most at risk of being hit by an earthquake. Particularly worrisome is the fact that Japan has lots of nuclear power plants and nuclear power plants and nuclear treatment facilities are built in earthquake-prone areas. The...
  18. whoosh

    Homer Simpson Fired – Europe Removes Nuclear Power Theme ! | " A little close to home !"

    Link RemovedYes it’s true; Homer Simpson has been fired from his job at the nuclear power plant in Springfield and moved to Germany to work in a stinking coal mine. OK so he didn’t really move, but because of the disaster in Japan and the struggles to contain radiation levels around the nuclear...
  19. cybercore

    Post-tsunami, some Japanese shelter in nuke plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error ONAGAWA, Japan – As a massive tsunami ravaged this Japanese fishing town, hundreds of residents fled for the safest place they knew: the local nuclear power plant. Nearly three weeks later, 240 remain, watching TV or playing ball games with their children next...
  20. whoosh

    Crisis Continues at Crippled Japanese Nuclear Power Plants

    Link RemovedThis handout picture shows the damaged third (L) and fourth reactors of the TEPCO Fukushima No.1 power plant in Fukushima, north of Tokyo, March 16, 2011 Japan's government acknowledged Wednesday it might need the help of U.S. military forces to halt continuing radioactive emissions...