
  1. VIDEO Kellyanne Conway Defends Obamacare Repeal By Attacking Poor People

  2. VIDEO Sean Spicer Says It’s “Literally Impossible” To Predict Effect Of Repealing Obamacare

  3. VIDEO BREAKING: House Passes Obamacare Replacement Bill

  4. VIDEO Poll: Obamacare WAY more popular than Trumpcare

  5. VIDEO Hey Trumpists: Trump Conned You on Obamacare Repeal. Sad!

  6. VIDEO Senator Graham talks Obamacare, gets booed

  7. VIDEO Ted Cruz CRUSHES Paul Ryan's Lies About Repealing Obamacare

  8. VIDEO Trump Voters Suddenly Love Their Obamacare (Think It's TrumpCare)

  9. VIDEO Trump Cares This Much About The 24 Million Losing Healthcare...

    :eek: Trump promised everyone would be covered under his plan. He lied. A lot. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://tytnetwork.com/go "The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Monday released its score of the GOP's plan...
  10. VIDEO Republican Obamacare Replacement Is an Idiotic Catastrophe

    Paul such a kidder :eek:
  11. VIDEO Trump: 'I'll let Obamacare fail if I don't get my way'

  12. VIDEO Republican Obamacare Lies Now Blowing Up in Their Faces

  13. VIDEO Republicans To Millions Kicked Off Obamacare: Just Go To ER!

  14. VIDEO Enraged Senate Democrats Vote NO on repeal of Obamacare 51-48

  15. VIDEO Rand Paul Blasts Republicans for Repealing Obamacare with Budget

  16. Obama Won’t Use Troops to Save Afghan Hellhole (Drones, Maybe)

    The biggest news out of President Obama’s Afghanistan speech isn’t the 10,000 troops he’s withdrawing by the end of the year. He wont send the remaining "surge" troops into the worst part of eastern Afganistan. He also says will will withdrawl another 23,000 tropps bt the end of next year. He...