1. Tame Word's Bad Image Behavior
2. Insert Images into a Circle, a Heart, or Any Shape
3. Wrap Text Around or Through an Image
4. Use Signatures and Logos as Clip Art
5. Use Picture Charts in Excel
6. Add Pictures Behind Charts and Workbooks
7. Add Your Logo to an Excel Printout
8. Save...
clip art
creative tools
excel charts
graphic design
image animation
image maps
image shapes
image tips
logo usage
microsoft officeoffice 2010
powerpoint tricks
presentation design
text wrapping
visuals in documents
word features
worksheet images
Here is how its setup.
Main computer is the office computer. Its a desktop that a person is constantly on and doing stuff. There are 3 others that need the same information and documents at any given time. These 3 people have their laptops that are constantly switching wifi hotspots...
In this “Ask the expert” video, Evan Lew, product manager for Office Web Apps, addresses some of the burning questions from our users. During this short video, Evan talks about Office Web Apps on mobile devices, co-authoring, the benefits and advantages of using Office Web Apps, and a variety of...
evan lew
expert insights
mobile devices
officeproductivityoffice web apps
online tools
product management
social media
user engagement
user feedback
user questions
video series
web applications