
  1. News

    Kinect v2 Avateering

    Link Removed, Friend of the Gallery, posted another great example of using the Kinect v2, this time using it and its capabilities to start an Avatar journey... Here's some of the other posts from Peter we've highlighted recently; Kinect 2, Sound Detection with C++ More on the openFrameworks...
  2. News

    Kinect 2, Sound Detection with C++

    Link Removed, Friend of the Gallery, posted a short, but sweat Kinect C++ example; Here's some of the other posts from Peter we've highlighted recently; More on the openFrameworks and the Kinect Unity 5 and the Kinect... WebSocketing the Kinect Custom Kinect Gestures in Unity3D? Here's how...
  3. News

    Kinect 2 Unity 5

    Kinect and Unity, Peanut Butter and Chocolate (or you'd think so, given how often we cover them here... ;). Now Link Removed has put together something just a yummy with his Unity 5 and Kinect 2 tutorial... Unity 5 and Kinect 2 Integration Link Removed Until just this month one of the best...
  4. News

    More on the openFrameworks and the Kinect

    I guess it's Peter Daukintis week. :) Today's project he's showing off the openFrameworks. Reminder about openFrameworks? openFrameworks is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries, including: OpenGL, GLEW, GLUT, libtess2 and cairo for...
  5. News

    WebSocketing the Kinect

    Link Removed, Microsoft Technical Evangelist, fills in a Kinect for Windows v2 sample gap, providing a means to connect to a Kinect web WebSockets and thereby a web browser... Link Removed For the older Kinect v1.0 there was a sample included with the Link Removed which provided browser...
  6. News

    Using Kinect for Windows v2 Sensor with openFrameworks in WinRT applications

    Today we highlight a new Microsoft Virtual Academy Quick Start Challenge... Link Removed Want to work with the Kinect sensor v2? In this hands-on lab, learn how to use the Kinect sensor v2 in an openFramework application running on Windows 8. We use an openFramework version available on...
  7. News

    Kinect Common Bridge v2 Beta now available

    With the coming release of the Kinect for Windows v2 device, which you can pre-order now, we should start seeing more of our favorite frameworks, utilities and tools being updated. We've highlighted Kinect Common Bridge a couple times before, Kids, Kinect, Cinder and some C++ too... Meet the...