pacific ocean

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO The Hunt For The Nuclear Bomb Lost In The Pacific Ocean | Lost Nuke | Timeline

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Home Reef Volcano Created A New Island In Pacific Ocean/ Honga Tonga Volcano

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Remote Hawaiian Island Wiped Off The Map

    A powerful hurricane in the eastern Pacific washed away an 11-acre island in the French Frigate Shoals, part of a national monument in the remote northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Approximately a half mile long and 400 feet wide, East Island was the second-largest islet in French Frigate Shoals ―...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO " Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation " (10 August 2014)

    :eek: :shocked: :zoned: :hide:
  5. whoosh

    Oil leaks found near sea close to troubled Fukushima plant

    TOKYO, May 31 (Xinhua) -- Operator of the troubled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant found that oil has been leaking into the sea close to the facility, the Kyodo News reported Tuesday. The operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said the oil leaks were possibly from nearby oil tanks...
  6. whoosh

    TEPCO seems to be going backwards in getting the situation under control

    Reuters) - One of the reactors at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has a hole in its main vessel following a meltdown of fuel rods, leading to a leakage of radioactive water, its operator said on Thursday. The disclosure by Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) is the latest...
  7. whoosh

    PCC condemns Japan's action in Pacific Ocean

    SUVA, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) here Monday condemned as unacceptable the decision by the Japanese government to pump sea water to cool down the reactors which is then returned to the Pacific Ocean. While expressing its heartfelt condolences, thoughts and...
  8. whoosh

    Fukushima Daiichi Radioactive Seawater Model, Spent Fuel Rods DID Explode Into Atmosphere

    ASR Limited, a marine consulting and research firm has released a radioactive seawater model that seems to confirm that radiation will spread throughout the pacific ocean. Remember, US and Japanese officials have gone on the record with their belief that radiation in the Pacific will not hurt...
  9. whoosh

    Looks Like the FDA Are Wrong

    How will the radiation affect fish and seafood that have not yet been fished or harvested? The great quantity of water in the Pacific Ocean rapidly and effectively dilutes radioactive material, so fish and seafood are likely to be unaffected. However, FDA is taking all steps to evaluate and...
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Japan plutonium radiation and the Pacific Ocean

    Facts In Brief FISHERMEN AND SEAFOOD SUPPLIERS DELIVER APPROXIMATELY 300 SPECIES TO MARKET EACH YEAR, FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tablets only protect us against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It’s not a surprise that the gov’ts...
  11. whoosh

    Japanese Fish Dangerously Contaminated By Fukushima

    With measurements of iodine 131 and the much worse cesium 134 isotopes detected at 7.5 and two million times past their “regulated levels” and contaminated water pouring into the Pacific Ocean, this was inevitable: the fish are contaminated too. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reports that...
  12. whoosh

    No immediate threat to humans | That comes later !

    The operator of the crippled Fukushima complex begins releasing 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific to make room in storage tanks for even more highly contaminated water. The government says the release does not pose an immediate threat to humans. Like a thief in the night the...
  13. whoosh

    Lying about the level of raidation in water dumped in ocean

    Japan: TEPCO to release 11,500 tons of nuclear radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean declaring the water to be dumped contains only low levels of radioactivity. In reality the water about to be dumped is highly radioactive as I point out below. Breaking from Kyodo News: TOKYO, April 4, Kyodo...
  14. whoosh

    7 Tons Of Radioactive Water an HourPosted: 04 Apr 2011 01:28

    TOKYO — Workers’ desperate struggle to plug a gush of highly contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, using sawdust, shredded newspaper and an absorbent powder, appeared to be failing early Monday as the radiation threat from the crippled plant continued to spread...
  15. cybercore

    NASA: Technical glitch crashes $424M Glory mission

    A rocket carrying a satellite designed to help scientists study the Earth's climate suffered a technical failure and may have crashed into the southern Pacific Ocean. Now NASA, which attempted to launch the rocket early Friday morning, has convened an investigative committee to figure out...