pc magazine

  1. S

    Windows 7 7 and XP are both C:

    Hello, September last year I purchased a pc magazine with Windows 7 RC on it. I dual booted with XP & everything worked fine. When I started up XP, My Computer stated that XP was on C:, my DVD Drive was D: & Windows 7 was E:. When I started up Windows 7, My Computer stated that Windows 7 was...
  2. Celestra

    Windows 7 ViruSafe Web Antivirus Free (5Star)PC Magazine Rated

    This got a lot of positive responses. It's free, download from PC Magazine. Get a free CD. ( Don't forget to try the freebie File Shedder). Link Removed due to 404 Error (PC World says you can use it on Vista, although it doesn't say so in description) Anybody know of a file shedder for e-mail ?