personal info

  1. News

    TA16-336A: Avalanche (crimeware-as-a-service infrastructure)

    Original release date: December 01, 2016 | Last revised: December 14, 2016 Systems Affected Microsoft Windows Overview “Avalanche” refers to a large global network hosting infrastructure used by cyber criminals to conduct phishing and malware distribution campaigns and money mule schemes...
  2. G

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Won't Install

    Hi. I tried to install Windows 10 today, but failed three times. I'm running Windows 7 64. I went through the process of downloading and installing Windows 10. I get a window asking how I want to configure my keyboard. I click on U.S. Another window opens and there are several boxes to...
  3. H

    What info can be gathered from just an email address?

    I was wondering what info, if any, can be gathered from just a person's email address. For example, if one person sends an email to a stranger, what can the stranger find out about that person based on just their email address? Any way the stranger could find personal info about who sent it? I...
  4. seekermeister

    Windows 7 Email Identification Data

    I just received an email delivery failure notification from my ISP for a message that I sent a few days ago. It raised a couple of questions about what personally identifiable information is normally sent to email recipients? I do know that all email are traceable back to the sender, at least...
  5. J

    Windows 7 How to remove a personal information

    I'm selling a Dell Vostro 320, OS Windows XP and would like to know how to remove personal info. I created a new administrator account and deleted the old one where the personal info was stored. Is this enough or do I need to do more? Thanks.
  6. reghakr

    More Sony hack attacks; LulzSec goes after FBI affiliated site

    While Sony may have gotten its Playstation Network back online this week, other divisions of the Japanese business are still feeling hack attacks. The web site Naked Security reports that a hacker found his way into a data base at Sony Europe and took out "120 usernames, passwords (plain text)...
  7. U

    Windows Vista Messenger "My Space" Moving Modules

    I've been trying to arrange "My Space" on Messenger and I can't move the modules the way I want them. Anybody have any ideas? I have a theme and some pictures installed. I want my personal info at the top, not in the middle. How do we use the RSS Feed or whatever? Is that for a newspaper?