personal preferences

  1. Windows Vista Upgrading??

    Hi all, Looking to upgrade my Dell Inspiron 546 desktop from 32 bit Vista to 64 bit............? Which would you recommend, Win 7, 8.1 or neither? I have run the Upgrade advisor tool and both say they will work with some minor updates and adjustments to my current system (attached). I was...
  2. Windows 7 Wanted at Work: Consumer IT Strikes Again

    Windows 7 fans are joining smartphone users in bringing personal tastes into the workplace and demanding enterprises respond. IT should embrace this, advises Forrester. Link Removed
  3. R

    Microsoft are not innocent, but..

    I must say, I'm easy when it comes to operating systems. I was lucky enough to get into the Windows Vista, and subsequently, Windows 7, Beta testing. I therefore had the advantage of not having to dig to deep into my pocket to examine the OS’s. Although my preference is Windows in all...
  4. P

    Windows Vista Windows Vista Home Premium

    What's up to worthy users of Windows Vista, I have a major PET-PEEV about this OS! It like how can I tell you about my frustrastion about this new versions of Windows just like any other version, It has FLAWS!!!!! Looks like some admin-...