
  1. VIDEO The Plague That Made People Dance Themselves to Death

  2. VIDEO Plague Pits on the Underground?

  3. VIDEO History of the Black Death - Full Documentary

  4. VIDEO Plague-Carrying Fleas Discovered in Arizona - The End of Times?

  5. NEWS Ebola diary: where is everybody?

    There are many dreadful things about the Ebola outbreak, but the worst is the world's indifference to it. few months ago I read a blog of an MSF volunteer who found himself shouting over the beautiful jungled canopy of Sierra Leone “Where is everybody”? Today, four months after the World Health...
  6. Windows 8 Red Alerta - Warning!

    Please Be Advised: There are ads on TV for things to diagnose & fix computer woes. They spew a plethora of rubbish, say they will cure everything under the sun, all the many problems & infections everyone must, already, have (whether they know it or not), that they will speed up your slow...
  7. Old people's Swiss sex romps shock anglers

    A retired Swiss-German couple have been arrested for allegedly having group sex at the Melezza river in canton Ticino, in what locals say is becoming a plague of elderly al-fresco friskiness. Read Full Story: Link Removed